Wednesday, February 02, 2005

From the web

" Peter sent a link last week to a picture of fractal broccoli and now all of a sudden the stuff is everywhere. For definitions of "everywhere" limited to the Pasadena farmer's market, the fridge until we ate it, and the Internet. It's not all that yummy; it's really just normal broccoli tasting. But that's not the point. The point is, this was obviously created by a fairly simple mutation in some broccoli floret regulator. So why haven't they tracked it down and made fractal everything? Or at least all the possible varieties of fractal brassica?
I understand that it's probably a pain in the ass to cross the trait into brussel sprouts the old-fashioned way, but if God didn't make fractal-inducing development process cockups to be genetically engineered into super-durable funny-colored fractal supermarket produce, then what's the point in theism? "
yami · 23:49 · January 31 2005


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